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Marijuana has come a long way since it first became popular in the 1960s, and today there are many different ways to consume it. One of the more popular ways is through tincture, a concentrated liquid form of marijuana that can be taken orally. But is this form of consumption better than the traditional smoking of marijuana? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of marijuana tincture vs smoking to help you decide which is the better option for you.
Marijuana tincture and smoking are two different ways to use cannabis. Smoking marijuana involves burning the buds of the marijuana plant and inhaling the smoke, while marijuana tincture is created by extracting the active ingredients of the plant and infusing them into an alcohol or oil-based solution. Tinctures are typically taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to food or drinks. Smoking marijuana is more immediate in its effects and has a shorter duration, while tinctures can take up to several hours to take effect and the effects can last longer.
When consuming marijuana tincture, the effects can be felt within minutes, unlike smoking marijuana, which can take up to 30 minutes to take effect. The effects from tincture can last up to several hours.
Marijuana tinctures offer a number of benefits over smoking, including they are discrete, odorless and easily administered; they are much more efficient, providing a much stronger and faster-acting effect; they are easier on the lungs and throat, as smoking can cause irritation and inflammation; and they last longer, allowing for more controlled and consistent dosing.
Marijuana tinctures are generally considered to be a safer option than smoking because they are consumed orally and do not involve the inhalation of smoke. Tinctures also typically have a much higher concentration of THC than smoking, which means that users can get more of the desired effects with a smaller dose. Additionally, marijuana tinctures are much easier to control than smoking, as the dose can be accurately measured and the effects can be felt in a relatively short amount of time.
Yes, there are potential risks associated with consuming marijuana tincture. Tinctures are typically more concentrated than marijuana smoked, and may contain higher concentrations of THC and other cannabinoids. There is a potential for increased risk of intoxication and other health effects, including anxiety and panic attacks. Additionally, consuming marijuana tincture may be associated with higher levels of respiratory problems, such as coughing and wheezing, due to the inhalation of aerosolized THC.
Concentrates ,. Smoking aficionados may never turn back on their preferred delivery methods, but medical patients or those worried about COVID may benefit from a smokeless solution to protect their lungs. You can pull out a number of infused cannabis edibles and topical products that provide the same relief as smoking but without the smoke. Cannabis can be infused into capsules, pills, suppositories, tinctures, salves, balms, creams, and lotions. Smoking may produce fast-acting effects but it can have a more sinister side. The COVID pandemic has many people wondering if habitual marijuana smokers are more at risk than the general population. Since smoking increases the number of receptors that a virus can attach to, it may be wise to at least temporarily switch to a smokeless solution to help protect your lungs just in case. Smokeless delivery methods such as cannabis tinctures bypass the inhalation process, which is also a benefit if you have a respiratory illness such as asthma. Inhaling smoke and vapor can introduce cannabinoids, terpenes, and, in the worst of cases, contaminants and carcinogens that can irritate your air pathways and cause coughing and shortness of breath. Topicals can provide localized pain and inflammatory relief without any psychoactivity. Edibles can be ingested and passed through the digestive tract and liver converting the intoxicating THC into its metabolites, which can cause longer-lasting and more pronounced effects. Edibles can take up to an hour to take effect. A cannabis tincture is a more fast-acting way to get results compared to edibles. Cannabis tinctures, also known as cannabis oils, are a type of cannabis extract that is based in either alcohol or oil, albeit, the majority of dispensaries sell an oil-based tincture due to laws that prevent alcohol and tincture from being combined. Cannabis tincture contains different concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenes. Some may even come with pot-derived terpenes. Tincture products usually come in opaque dropper bottles with a clearly marked dropper that can hold about one milliliter mL. Cannabis tinctures can contain as little as mg of cannabinoids or up to 1, mg of its therapeutic compounds for heavy relief. Medical and recreational users can easily adjust their tincture dosage depending on the relief they seek. Cannabis tincture offers numerous benefits over smoking or vaporizing cannabis or even other edible options out there. Unlike traditional edible cookies, brownies, capsules, and other infused goodies, cannabis tinctures are a more versatile solution. Introduce them into your breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals or drinks or add a few tincture drops under your tongue for quick absorption and relief. On top of providing long-lasting and rapid effects, cannabis tinctures are a discreet and convenient way to dose cannabinoids. Tinctures are practically odorless unless you choose a bottle infused with natural flavors and terpenes. In terms of convenience, tincture products come in small and amber-hued bottles that look like any conventional wellness product or supplement, which can be convenient when traveling within the country. A tincture bottle easily fits in pockets and other portable travel bags without spilling or requiring extra smoking equipment such as lighters, pipes, and cumbersome rigs. Theres no need to light a flame at all. All you need is to aim into the dropper into your mouth. On top of the smokeless factor, tinctures can be more sanitary than using and sharing pipes, vapes, and other smoking devices. Sharing personal smoking devices with others can exponentially increase your risk of catching or passing on bacteria, and not just the kind that gives you a common cold. Tinctures avoid the contamination problem by using dropper bottles that never come in contact with salivary glands or dirty hand germs. Oil tinctures can be added into food and consumed as other edibles. Many people choose to take their tincture sublingually. Just add 1 full dropper, or your preferred amount, under your tongue and let it sit for about 30 seconds until the oil absorbs into your bloodstream. This method essentially takes a shortcut to your brain to avoid the scenic digestive route when taking edibles. Tinctures are also easier to dose than smoking or other edibles. You may have to do a little bit of math to figure out how much youre taking, though. Tinctures will have the total number of milligrams listed on the packaging and the number of milligrams per serving which you can divide into smaller amounts if youre consuming fractions of a dropper. Tinctures may also be more suitable for those with caloric intake requirements. Most importantly, tinctures come in varying cannabinoid concentrations. While most states allow the sale of hemp and cannabis-infused tinctures, some states may only be open to hemp-derived tinctures rich in the non-intoxicating CBD compound.